Preimplantation Genetic Testing
Currently, doctors do have the ability to check the embryos for genetic issues before they put them back into the uterus. This is known as PGT or preimplantation genetic testing.
There are 2 forms that you may be offered: PGT-A, which is a screening test that looks at the amount of genetic material the embryo has, and PGT-M, which is targeting a specific gene mutation such as Cystic Fibrosis.
PGT-M can only be done when there is a known genetic issue in one of the parents going into the IVF process.
The process of PGT requires the creation of embryos through IVF followed by the removal of a cluster of cells from that embryo. That tissue is then sent off to a genetics laboratory for analysis and results are received by the clinic and reviewed by Dr. Sueldo.
Please note that there are pro’s and con’s to every test and treatment, and that PGT may not be indicated in every case. At Ceibo Fertility Center, we pride ourselves on thoughtful discussions with our patients about PGT and shared decision-making on whether this is the right treatment option for their case.
For more information about PGT, please check out these videos.